My thoughts continue to go to the Ukrainian people, suffering the ongoing horror of war. Trying to focus on what I can control, I am finalizing the details of several exciting art exhibits to continue to address another critical issue, the climate crisis.
First, my upcoming solo exhibit will be on view as of April 19th, 2022 at the Multicultural Arts Center, located in the heart of the internationally recognized Kendall Square, “where innovation, imagination, and ingenuity thrive” and where the biotech ecosystem lives in Cambridge, MA.
I envisioned this exhibit to inspire awareness about the human-made climate crisis, through abstract imagery evocative of topographies impacted by this calamity or by related issues, like the current/recent pandemic. I hope to motivate action needed to stop and reverse this urgent crisis our society faces. I believe that creating change for the climate crisis is a moral and ethical obligation. We, artists, are catalyzers of action and thus I hope the viewer will feel empowered to produce, big or small, individual and societal, changes to help resolve the crucial path of undeniable impending danger that we find ourselves on, for the good of our entire civilization and the other species in our common habitat.
The exhibit will feature a selection of my recent paintings inspired by the climate crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic. Most of the artworks in the upcoming exhibit were painted with oil- and/or acrylic-based media on repurposed painting supports, either repurposed canvases from thrift stores or found on the curb, or rejected cardboards from packaging.
More information about this exhibit and associated in person and virtual events can be found below.
Second, I am also working on new iterations of the exciting exhibits of the “Inspiring Change for the Climate Crisis (i3C)” group that I am curating. i3C is a multidisciplinary group of 17 artists from Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania. The artists are diverse in backgrounds and art practices, but they all share a personal and artistic commitment to the critical topic of the climate crisis. The response I am getting from local venues about the exhibit proposal is phenomenal. So excited to see that the theme of the exhibit and the associated planned programming are received and welcomed so enthusiastically. In future blogs, I will be sharing more information about the planned shows for this and next years.
Let’s all keep up our good work, big or small, wherever we are… Peace…

Image: “Spreading”, oil media on canvas, 20 x 16 inches, NFS (not for sale). This painting and many more will be on view as of April 19th at the Multicultural Arts Center If you have questions or comments about this artwork or others on my website or Instagram, please contact me here.

TOPOGRAPHIES OF THE COLLECTIVE MISFORTUNES, exhibit of Adriana G. Prat’s paintings at the Multicultural Arts Center (41 Second Street, Cambridge, MA) on view from April 18th to June 3rd 2022.
The exhibit will feature a selection of recent oil- and acrylic-based paintings by Cambridge-based and SoWa Artists Guild artist Adriana G. Prat that were inspired by the climate crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic.
Associated Events:
Earth Day: April 22nd: For Earth Day, as part of a community initiative by MIT and the Foundry I will be talking about my show at the “Family Fun Time - at the park” event from 10 am to 2 pm at the Timothy J. Toomey, Jr. Park (71 Rogers St, Cambridge, MA) and while gallery sitting from 3 to 5 pm at the Multicultural Arts Center
Reception: May 5th (6 to 8 PM) - Multicultural Arts Center (41 Second Street, Cambridge, MA)
Virtual artist’s talk: May 20th (6 to 7 PM) – For more info and to register for the online event, go to or visit
Virtual i3C artists’ forum: June 1st (6 to 7 PM) – For more info and to register for the online event, visit
Congratulations on your exhibition and your ongoing art and environmental efforts! We can all make a small difference that can create a bigger difference when enough people participate.🙂