The year has started with fire and my heart goes to those who are still suffering from it. In the current state to which the world is evolving, each day brings emotions, ups and downs generated from the involuntary or voluntary brooding over the news and the evolving reality. Specially for climate action, the news is horrible and not only because of the fires in CA.
That is when my time at the studio turns into an oasis, a retreat. The thought “I can only control this today” comes to mind. It is my focus, my compass. I can “only” control the palette I will use on my next painting or the thread and stitches I can add to a fabric. I can “only” choose which mark I will add, what shape/texture/form I will make to accomplish the project at hand. I can “only” be the owner of my acts during my creative process.
By “only” controlling these simple art-making steps, I manage to fulfill an artwork that did not exist before in the world; the creation of an object that often makes me wonder about the spiritual element of the creative activity. Since my work is usually inspired by my desire to create action for the environmental crisis, if I share my work with you, my kindred community, I feel I bring a smile and a thought to you. An inspiration.
But I can “control” much more. For example, what I eat and with whom I join efforts, support or associate myself with. Our world needs - more than ever - the grassroots that will help us remain focused in our missions, one day at a time, one step at a time. Let’s keep up the great work!
I will be part of Bait/Switch: Affect & Cause, a survey of artworks from the interdisciplinary call-and-response art publication Bait/Switch, at ShowUp, from February 21st to March 2nd, 2025 – Opening reception Fri February 21st (5-8 pm).
My work was also accepted at the virtual “Save Our Planet 2025” exhibit at the Red Bluff ART Gallery (Corning CA)! A powerful collection!
Last but not least, you can contact me to visit my studio and experience my work. I just had two talented children/artists visiting my studio. The experience left us all motivated and loving the connection.
Until next time!
Note: This is an edited version of a blog post from Aug 2020.

Image: Mapping Them (detail), acrylic, acrylic and ink pen, and water-soluble crayons on cardboard, approx 18 x 12 inches (triptych: 3 panels of 12 x 6 inches each). This artwork will be available at Bait/Switch: Affect & Cause, a survey of artworks from the interdisciplinary call-and-response art publication Bait/Switch, at ShowUp, from February 21st to March 2nd, 2025.
I think that it is important that we feel like we have control over some things in our lives and to some degree this is so when it comes to making art. But I feel like even in this process the control is more in what we choose to keep and what we choose to do to change. At least this is the way it is for me and I cannot speak for others regarding their art making process or life choices. But in this very turbulent and troubled world feeling like we are not totally at the mercy or external circumstances and influences seems very important. I think this is why doing creative things and making art that did…