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Art as Healer

I have often shared how when the pandemic first hit us a year ago, creating new art felt superfluous and in the beginning of it, I felt stuck and with a dash of a creative block. I questioned what the role of an artist should be during a crisis as extraordinary as the one we were going through; when science, politics, and the economy seemed to be the only topics relevant to the health crisis. I concluded that I wanted art for when the pandemic was over, but I also needed it to keep me focused on the light at the end of the tunnel, in the long stretch of this uncertain experience. Thus, I did what I am passionate about, I spent my time in the studio, experimenting with my paints and creating new images, while meditating on the weight of this new reality.

While painting, I reflected on the emotions that the overall uncertainty and the fatality of the virus was bringing to me and my loved ones. Layer after layer of colors and textures, I produced a series of paintings that include “Breaking Free II”, depicting biomorphic shapes that could be thought of as islands, maps or cells of organisms, indicative of my scientific background permeating into my artistic tendencies, and accentuated by the blasting of scientific news. By adding a variety of mark-making, these shapes seem to be adapting to internal or external factors that pollute or alter their nature. I like to think that I am connecting this duality micro/macro in my imagery -- cells of organisms/maps & islands -- as metaphors for the lability of Life and of our individual reality.

Nurturing my creativity has been a road map to resilience and to healing during these uncertain days. Moreover, through my art I have kept rooted and connected to souls alike whom I have inspired with my creations or who have inspired me. Kindred souls who reside in many corners of the world and whom, thanks to the beauty of virtual communication, I was able to connect to and get to know and make friends with. I am convinced that art has a ripple effect of bringing happiness and hope in times when despair and hopelessness could instead take over our minds.

I feel honored that “Breaking Free II” was recently accepted in a thoughtful and inspiring virtual exhibit at the Belmont Gallery of Art; ART HEALS: Transforming Ourselves + Our World, juried by guest curator Elaine Hawkes and codirectors Adine Storer and Rebecca Richards. The wealth of talent, creativity, vision, and love of the artists featured in the exhibit is breathtaking. I hope you can visit the exhibit at this link, on view until the end of May.

Image: “Breaking Free II”, oil media on canvas, 20 x 16 inches, available. This painting is on view at the ART HEALS virtual exhibit at the Belmont Gallery of Art that is on view until the end of May. Feel free to browse through my website if you are interested in my artworks. If you have questions, please contact me here.

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6 comentários

06 de out. de 2021

Dear Adriana,

Your reflection on art making within the contest of a pandemic resonates with me on various levels!

When being confronted with life threatening occurrences, as we were in spring 2020, our survival instinct kicks in, contemplating possible options such as to fight, flee or freeze, or explore spaces in the creative realm. The immense threat of a virus, not being tangible or visible and, therefore, hard to comprehend in its complexity, seemed overwhelming to say the least. While we, as artists, are blessed with the gift to express the almost indescribable emotions associated with such an inconceivable situation through the creative process, this I actually want to believe is accessible for everyone in various ways. Unfortunately, art i…

06 de out. de 2021
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Dear Luna, Thank you for sharing this profound and comprehensive description of art’s role in our lives as artists and in the community at large; not only for climate but also for the pandemic or even personal crisis. I admire you and your insights are invaluable. Keep on spreading the beauty of your art and your soul, dear friend!


Helena Tiainen
Helena Tiainen
06 de mai. de 2021

Beautiful, Adriana. Thank you very much for sharing. I can certainly identify with your sentiments and will spend some time checking out the exhibit which has so much to see in it. Your artwork is gorgeous!

13 de mai. de 2021
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