The decades long, man-made, pollution and exploitation of natural resources, like those producing deforestation and fossil fuel usage, without a sustainable approach, has had devastating effects on our planet. Worsening of weather manifestations, such as higher temperatures, changing patterns of rain and snow, and more and stronger hurricanes, have brought droughts, wildfires, melting glaciers, warmer oceans, and the rising of sea level which are only some of the common symptoms of a diseased Earth. Hunger, poverty, and species extinction are some of the collateral damages that our human and animal society has experienced related to this critical phenomenon. Luckily, there are many organizations and individuals who are committed to prioritize the resolution of this crisis and to take control of these terrible effects to reverse the devastation that otherwise would eventually be vast and irreversible.
Lately, it has been quite a hectic and productive time in my practice for climate crisis awareness. In addition to the recent presidency election news here, in the corner of the planet where I live -- which promises urgently needed change on this global priority -- I was able to bring to life a much-anticipated panel event that my artists group and I envisioned over a year ago, with climate crisis experts and advocates to create a multidisciplinary dialogue to bring up this topic to an open audience. This panel event accompanies the ”How Do We Relate to the Climate Crisis? exhibit, on view until December 31st, 2020 and featuring artwork by Jeffrey Nowlin, Michelle Lougee, Maria Celeste Linardi, Cedric Harper and me.
If you missed the panel event, you can have the recording of the event at How Do We Relate to the Climate Crisis: A Community Panel Discussion (12/3/20). There is also more information about it and about the panelists here.
Below, my statement for the How Do We Relate to the Climate Crisis? exhibit:
“Adriana’s artwork consists of acrylic-based non-representational paintings created in a state akin to meditation, works born of ruminations and emotions kindled by global climate crisis. Her work recalls imaginary topographies through its evocation of maps, islands, and the cells of organisms or the mind. Seen on a microscopic level, these biomorphic shapes show their struggle to adapt to external (environmental, societal) demands: a metaphor for the personal dilemmas presented in our eagerness to endure external mandates. At a macroscopic level, these shapes are reminiscent of maps, islands, or even our planet, with its constant struggle to survive, morphing and mutating under the constant pressure of human-induced exploitation. These parallels between the micro- and macrocosm are presented by Adriana from not only an aesthetic point of view—mind-cells-maps-islands in constant evolution, fragmenting, adapting, reshaping—but also from a philosophical perspective, given that issues of climate crisis, like those inherent in all existential dilemmas, evoke societal contradictions. Adriana’s intention is to create a dialogue that brings universality and relevance to the exploration of individual identity and to inspire above all an awareness of the alarming environmental state of our planet.”
Thank you for supporting my art and for creating awareness about climate crisis in your own community. Below some important organizations to look into:
Image: I took a peak at the Virtual Gallery How Do We Relate to the Climate Crisis? at the Multicultural Arts Center. If you are interested in this or other paintings, or to ask me for commissions, please contact me here.
Exactly Caro! We must in each of our communities big or small... thank you for coming and being part of the panel!!! Yes, we keep it up and we create a ripple effect that expands our message... 😍
We must oblige everyone to take care of our planet. We’ve already passed the discussion or free will stages.
Great post, Adriana G. Prat
Thank you for organizing this fantastic event.
We artists tell the story through our paintings.
Muchas veces pienso que nuestra avaricia y nuestra falta de estrategia para entender que lo que mata al planeta nos mata a todos nos hace seguir engañándonos y en un camino de destrucción sin retorno... Yo también pensé que la pandemia nos daría una oportunidad de autocrítica y lentitud lógica que nos haría recapacitar y reorientar nuestro futuro a uno de más simpleza y resistencia al consumo por el consumo mismo... pero parece que masivamente no aprendemos... trato de hacer mi contribución pero aún los mejores intencionados presentamos enormes dilemas sobre nuestras elecciones de vida hacia formas de vida más sustentables... sin embargo, no hay q perder de vista estas intenciones y hay que exigir a los gobiernos lo mismo...…
¿Estaremos siendo espectadores de nuestra propia extinción? ¿Existe otra especie que haga todo lo posible en contra de su propia subsistencia? ¿Será que la postura erguida nos acortó la vista y el cortoplacismo le gana al raciocinio? Seguimos encaminados como si tuviéramos anteojeras puestas y ni la pandemia de COVID19 ha servido a muchos poderosos para poder recapacitar. ¿Estaremos a tiempo?